Google Wiki

YouTube Remixer is the first video editor made by YouTube. It was released in June 16, 2007.

How it works[]

This editor is for users to edit videos. Unlike the other editors, this one can have videos added (only your videos can be added), and also effects, transitions, text, and audio.

The only demo of this video editor can be found here.


In June 16, 2007, YouTube released its own video editor for people to edit their own videos. They used the term remix at that time.

A replacement for this video editor was announced and released in June 15, 2010. The replacement was called YouTube Video Editor, which was discontinued on September 20, 2017 and replaced by YouTube Studio's video editor a year later.


My Videos[]

YouTube Remixer My Videos

My Videos

Videos can be added to your remix. However, the only videos you could remix are your videos.

Graphics and Captions[]

YouTube Remixer Graphics and Captions

Graphics and Captions

Graphics and Captions are a gallery of graphics and captions that can be used. The graphics are excluded in YouTube's 2010-2017 video editor, while captions have evolved into text.


YouTube Remixer Borders


Borders are screens used to enhance your remix's experience.

Transitions and Effects[]

YouTube Remixer Transitions and Effects

Transitions and Effects

Transitions and Effects are two things: transitions are used for a video to phase into another video, and effects are things that change the view of the video. There were only transitions in YouTube Remixer and not effects.

List of transitions[]

There are 5 transitions in this editor.

  • Fade to Black
  • Fade to White
  • Fade Out
  • Circle Wipe
  • Blur


Music are audio that are songs. They can be added to remixes.

Differences between YouTube Remixer and YouTube Video Editor[]

  • Adobe Flash Player is required for YouTube Remixer to run. While in YouTube Video Editor, it is required for the video player only.
  • YouTube Remixer uses the term "remix". In YouTube Video Editor, the term "edit" is used instead.

